
Our Journey Continues

April 1, 2024

It began as a 'what if?', and now the idea is becoming more alive. It's the first day of a new month, marking 4 months since the collective was first published. Since then, we have engaged almost 500 followers on Instagram. We will soon have 40 members listed in our directory, and the website has undergone a small update. It now features the latest members and gives an honorable mention to our first-wave members. More updates are on the way, but this is where we stand.

Collecting Creatives
The idea was truly to gather creatives of all kinds on the Cape. Being new to the area and also new in America, I felt a sense of loneliness but also excitement. As an introvert, I realized I could take control of my own boundaries and venture out to do something new that could both fulfill my own desires for establishing a design studio and make a positive impact to all creative fields on the Cape & Islands. I wish to create a unified directory where everyone can have a place in the spotlight (if they wish). I hope to create a space where any personality, style, and profession can be seen.

Vision and Dreams
The project is still in its early stages, and it's a slow journey as it's a one-woman show. My current vision for this initiative in the long run includes these goals:

- Directory: Establish a space where Cape Cod creatives are gathered in a directory. The user experience of the portal will evolve as the project progresses, aiming for a lightweight Airbnb-like experience. I also see the value of adding content to the website simply because this could lead to more organic search results, which could benefit any member. Moreover, it may impact how creatives show up in organic search results outside of the directory.

- Create and share stories from the world of creatives: In whatever format people prefer, such as email interviews or video articles. (Again, striving to let every personality shine if they desire). I also wish to publish content around the experience of creatives and some of the challenges faced and explore solutions.

- Casual hangout events: I intend to organize and invite members to casual hangouts for networking, and some members may want to offer their spaces as hosting locations. More goals and vision to come, but this is a start. Currently looking at funding options for these events and am working on Local and State grants to make it happen.

Personal Creative Outlet
An added value to all of this is that the website and brand experience serves as a way to keep my creative outlet alive. Sometimes, as a designer, you can fall into a routine of the everydays where you design just to survive instead of truly enjoying the aspects of new ideas, creativity, and fun.

Cape Cod Collective is like my dear child that I always want to nurture and be creative about.

If you're not already a part of this, come join!

Know someone for our Creative Series? Or maybe it’s you?
Send an email, or DM us on Instagram